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«  Июль 2010  »
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Можно ли спасти от исчезновен­ия редкие цветы Беларуси, сделав их символами областей, городов, школ?
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CTV.BY: Минщина 23 апреля 2013

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CTV.BY: Минщина 25 января 2013

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Святыни Солигорска
Главная » 2010 » Июль » 22 » My Visit to Australia
My Visit to Australia
Polina Balvanovich, Ann Glushen, Pavel Sergiyenya

Last month I had a rest in Australia with my parents, my sister and my dog. It was very interesting and funny to observe the land under the hot sun. We spent a lot of time out-of-doors. While my parents were getting used to the cli-mate, I was walking along the sandy beaches with my dog. Once I couldn’t find my dog for a long time. All the family went searching it. This sad case made us friendlier. In the evening we found our dog. We were very glad!

    This trip was very useful for us, because we spent a lot of time together. Then after three months’ period our dog gave birth to five small dingo-puppies. They were white like their mum but couldn’t remain sitting like their daddy…

    Though I haven’t de-scribed all I saw in Australia, I have told you a real story which happened there and brought something interesting from this unusual country.

Polina Balvanovich

    I have been to Australia recently. It is the smallest con-tinent but the biggest island. Australia is divided into six states and two territories. I have been in Queensland. It is the second Australia’s largest state. Brisbane is its capital. There are a lot of beautiful sandy beaches in Queensland. The climate in the east cost is hot and humid. Bananas and other tropical fruits are grown there. Most of the land in the south is too dry for farming. In Australia there are a lot of deserts. There are three deserts there- the Great Sandy Desert, The Great Victoria Desert and the Gibson Desert, situated between them. In Australia winter comes in July and summer begins in Decem-ber. Many rare animals live in Australia. I like Australia be-cause it is a very interesting continent!

Ann Glushen

When I was in Australia, I wanted to see Queensland. I was in Brisbane, too. It has long beautiful sandy beaches. Its coast is a popular place for holiday makers. When I was there, the weather was warm. I ate a lot of tropical fruits, which are growing there. I saw a dingo there. A kangaroo was there, too, with its child in its bag. I saw a buffalo and rabbits. Once they were brought by Europeans and have become wild in Australia. The buffalo was brought from India. No matter how far from Europe Australia is –  a lot of people want to visit this ex-traordinary place. And I want to visit this place again.    

Pavel Sergiyenya
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